1. No one likes a bruised pb&j
2. Having imaginary friends is one of the best memories of my childhood.
3. Playing with baby dolls and barbies didn't scar me for life...in fact, I think they are awesome!
4. Freckles are just kisses from the sun, feel blessed if you have them.
5. Butterflies do not butter by, they flutter by, therefore the name should be changed.
6. I need to thank Kraft Mac and Cheese for existing...if it weren't for them, I would not be here.
7. Selling lemon-aid, colored pictures, and girl scout cookies taught me a good work ethic.
8. Bearinstein Bears books taught me many life lessons.
9. Remember when your parents would strip you in the parking lot before putting you in the car? Six Flags+ water ride = naked at Six Flags. Thanks mom and dad. Talk about learning humility.
10. Kissing penny's to throw them in a water fountain for your wishes always made me believe in all things good.
11. Throwing rocks at windows during spider season will always get someone's attention.
12. Never date the most popular boy in school. There will be girls who are mean for no reason.
13. I wish my prom shoes were the biggest worry and stress in my life now. It's too bad that comes to an end.
14. Beauty rule to live by in High School: Put toothpaste on a zit.
15. Be as wild as you wanna be in college but keep it in check.
16. There will come a time in life when you have to separate from your very best friends. The good thing is you learn a lot and when you meet up again you are as close as ever. Friends really do last a life time. Chose them wisely.
17. God is ALWAYS good.
18. If you wanna get anywhere in life you have to get out of your comfort zone.
19. Laughing and crying are both great joys in life.
20. Country music is good for healing the soul.
21. Fight your hardest for everything you believe in. Even it if makes people mad.
22. Make a Bucket List and really live by it. Don't let anyone make you shy away from what you want to adventure.
23. Sitting outside in a rainstorm with my dad talking about life was a blessing and a memory I will always cherish.
24. Time really does heal everything. You just have to let it.
25. You can have your cake and eat it too!
Tomorrow I will start the trip into the land of being closer to 30 than 20. Eek! There have been so many good things these past 25 years, I am anxious to see what the other side holds for me!
Love this post!!
ReplyDeleteIf freckles are kisses from the sun....then I think I might have slept with the sun....