Wednesday, May 12, 2010

End of an Era

It was a bittersweet year for me as I embarked on my last year of coaching. As I went through the seasons of summer camps, choreography camps, dance camps, football, basketball, competition, and the final spring show, it was all my very last. I have been coaching this set of girls since they were in middle school and it was time for my first group to graduate. I felt it was the best time for me to graduate as well to the next chapter in my life....too bad I don't get a redo on college but I am excited for what's to come. I am not quite sure what that is going to be just yet but I have a feeling it will be a good thing.

I will never forget the memories of the last 6 years. They helped mold me into who I am today. I learned so much from coaching. I met my best friend through coaching. I was given another family...we grieved together, rejoiced together, celebrated together, worked through problems and were there in all the tough times. I have watched these girls grow up and see them at the the most exciting times of their life thus far. At our banquet, the girls really, really surprised me with the best gift I may have ever received. They made a coffee table book of all the years we have spent together. Turning the pages, all the girls had written memories and thank yous that made me pretty much cry like a baby. These are the memories I will cherish forever.

There will be many times throughout the years to come that I will crave yelling out 5 6 7 8. And teaching the basics of skills, and motions, and yelling point your toes! But it is time for another adventure and really a test for me to see what more I can accomplish. I was blessed with lots of talented girls to coach, and 1 boy! We have been fortunate enough to be really successful and have lots of support. Not that I am bragging....but we do have really awesome (1st place) moments to always remember. : )

This will be the first time in my life in 12 years that dance won't be in my schedule. But I am pretty sure if I need a fix I will be invited back to practice!

This is my senior year as a dancer, I really have been doing this for so long.....

Pictures throughout all my years of coaching:

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