Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Lovin'

This summer has been a little different for me with no week long vacation or any length of time at the beach. However, I still love what summer is made of: sundresses, pool days, movies, pony tails and no make up, ice cream, deck dining, late nights, easy reads, and of course, yummy drinks! This summer has been a busy one with weekend travels and a couple of weddings. So, this is what I have been up to...minus my summer reading list I love working through:

In Nashville for Lindsey and Jon Kidd's wedding
Cheering on America in the World Cup
Getting some restful, no make up and pony tail time...all while reading
: )
Having fun with some bunnies in North Carolina for the 4th
As well as a ton of lake time, which is always needed!
Red Neck fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House
A FUN trip to Medieval times in Atlanta

My summer may not be filled with the beach like I wish it was but I am still enjoying it with my favorite person in the world where ever and whatever we end up doing!

Happy rest of the Summer!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are great!!! You guys have had such a fun summer together.
