This year I braved the cold and hit the road with 3 boys in tow! We decided to take a late trip to the beach this year, the best time of year to go has proven once again to be in October. After shedding our layers from Tennessee, we got into our suits and spent the days with our toes in the sand. There were no crowds, no lines, no waits for restaurants, and live music decorated with Halloween backdrops. We met new friends, drank 8 ounce beers, made homemade chocolate chip cookies, downed a few bottles of wine, tried to save a cat, rode in a cab, and danced. Needless to say, what a great vacy!

However, with all these great things....I didn't see the beach until the second day we were there. I ate something terrible, horrible, no good, rotten, and just down right wrong. Let's just say it kept me on the couch for hours under a blanket sipping on sprite until the following morning. Glad that only lasted one day!
Our hotel was located right by Schooners, a wonderful local bar with great food, maybe the BEST onion rings I have ever had in my life. It was right on the beach, you could actually walk in in your suit after hanging out in the sun all day. When we went, they had a great band from down under with a singer that would make a great Keith Urban look-a-like. Talk about hot! : ) We made friends with the band, sang songs, and danced the night away. There was also a little arm wrestling involved between the boys. My man is defiantly still the champ!

We of course darkened the German bar once again from summers past and enjoyed a night outside watching the Halloween costumes go by. After a cab ride home, we called it a night and of course I gave a big roll tide for winning the game against Tennessee. Of course these boys were cheering for the wrong team. Earlier in the evening, we had dinner and drinks to feel at home watching the game. How great for me that I had a table of Alabama fans to enjoy touchdown after touchdown and high five with!

Our last day was the most relaxing and low key. Daniel and I hit the beach, just us, and made friends with a seagull. As the winds were coming in and the sun was going away, we covered up and sat ocean side just enjoying the time we had with one another. Thankfully this was our last day because a huge storm was rolling in. The last night, we ate dinner in and got take out at Schooners...you can never go wrong getting food from there!

After a long drive home and a change of seasonal clothes, we all in all had a great last vacation at the beach for the year. Until next year....

Love the pictures!! Glad you found some Bama fans to cheer with you! :)