Monday, February 22, 2010

Madness Of The Morning

I awake this morning and all is well. I get ready, all is well. I am walking out the door, all is NOT well. 

I am house sitting for someone this week and they have 3 cats: Charlie, Earl, and lovely Lily. I love all animals, therefore cats don't bother me. Charlie is a great cuddlier, he is about the size of my cat, Gypsie, (20 lbs) so I almost feel at home. Everything went as planned when I got up this morning and then it all fell apart! Daniel is staying with me because he has this thing about me being alone and so far from where he can get to me if something were to happen. Daniel likes cats, in fact he calls Earl Oscar because he reminds him of a cat he had as a little kid. However Earl, aka Oscar, decided to pee on Daniel's clothes this morning. Thankfully they were not what he was wearing to work this morning, I can only imagine how terrible that would have been. 

I was starting my car, getting my lunch, walking out the door and I hear Daniel yelling. Kinda quietly which caught my attention and made me wonder what was wrong...didn't think it was gonna be cat piss. Daniel had it on his face, hence the quite yelling. He could smell it. You see, as he told me, he felt his shirt was wet, thought it was water, he sniffed it, now it is on his nose and he gets to smell it all day. When I got to him, he was leaned over in the sink washing his nose. Please picture it: he is in his work clothes holding his tie back from the water, trying to just wash his nose, not get his head under the water and the collar of his shirt wet. 

I grab the clothes from him, now it is on my hands and I put them in the laundry room but don't get them in the washing machine. I just can't wait to smell that when I walk in the door. We finally are able to leave the house, 18 minutes late. I am booking it on the interstate and start smelling something....oh no, it's on my clothes is all I can process at the moment. I then realize as I am smelling myself that it is only a skunk, no need to worry. I talk to Daniel on the phone and he asks me "hey, did you smell something back there or is it me?" I sigh and tell him I thought the same thing but it was a skunk! Today will be a very smelly, questionable day for the both of us as we fear we smell like cat pee. There is nothing that rids the tainted smell of a cat peeing on anything. 


  1. LOL!!!!! I can just picture Daniel trying to wash just his nose! Hope you guys have a better start to the morning tomorrow.

  2. I know, he is so funny! Let's just hope I can get the smell out of the house! And yes, a better morning would be great!
