Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I am following the lead of another blogger, Liz, who motivated me to do this. Being honest with yourself is hard enough but saying them out they become more real. Here are my confessions.

I wish I were a style consultant.

I don't know if I will ever get out of debt. I don't even have much, just that little bit is hard to give up each month.

I watch way too much Law and Order.

Losing my brother may take the last breath I have so I pray I go before him all the time.

I think Lady Gaga is one incredible person even though she is weird.

Since my Grandpa Cook had a stroke, church hasn't been the same for me therefore I don't attend anymore.

I become paranoid frequently thanks to my job. I always have bad thoughts of others I don't know and I think they will do something bad.

I secretly think of how good my future could be all the time with a lot of "what ifs."

I wish I would have been better at deciding how to plan my future instead of letting people talk me into things and steering me in different directions, those people are no where to be found in my life. I wish I would have gone away to college, danced in college, and at times maybe lived a little wild.

I am very self conscience of my body and the way I look all the time.

I could live in Gap T Shirts everyday: all colors, jeans, cowboy boots, riding boots, flats, house shoes, or flip flops. There are so many different ways to wear them, casual and relaxed, straight up bummy, or dress em' up. Really, everyday.

I wanna pack my bags and leave Tennessee every now and then and live a different kind of life.

As much as dance has been a major part of my life, it is bittersweet to watch it fade away. It has been one of the best rides in life. But I am ready for a different adventure and cannot wait to see what journey I embark on next in my life.

I didn't know if I could love again after having my heart broken but God showed me I didn't love yet and blessed me with Daniel. I think Him for teaching me and blessing me every day.

 My dream job would be reading to kids all day long. I adore children's books! Therefore I hope to be able to do that after work at a children's hospital....it is a work in progress : )

I'm not a greedy person but I fear my job will not help me get what I want outta life: Will I ever be able to afford my own home with the tiny salary I have? Ever have kids? Ever travel?

What are your confessions? Have you ever really said them out loud, like for everyone to hear? 

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