Thursday, April 8, 2010

Exciting News

I have never traveled anywhere in my life besides the south. Not that I would ever need anything different or better because the south is so great! However, I wanna see the whole world!!! I've never been on a plane, never been anywhere North of Myrtle Beach, never had a reason for a passport. I am sure your jaw is dropped because I am 25, close to 26, and I have never been on a plane. I am quite shocked too but when I am 26, things are gonna change! Daniel and I have booked a cruise to The Bahamas on May 1, a week from when I turn 26. I have applied for a passport, and even through we will be driving.....I am getting to experience new places. 

I have always been a fan a traveling and I have actually done a lot of that, just never been anywhere major. But now that I have a passport, you better believe I will be putting it to use as much as I can. I have always wanted to go to Italy, that may be the next big adventure I embark on.

Here is a look at what I will get to experience come May 1.

First Stop, Half Moon Cay. 

Second stop, Nassau.

Now I've gotta get thinking about my Cruise wardrobe! I am so excited! If you have any advice or info to dish, I welcome it!


  1. Wow!!! how wonderful!!... I'm so excited for you. I have never been on a cruise but have always wanted to go. I hope you have a great time. I am coming to Chattanooga the end of April...hope I get to see you!

  2. Brooke I am so sad that I will be missing you : ( We are leaving April 30. If there is anyway we can do lunch or get drinks I would love too. We are really excited but I am really sad we won't get to visit with you....maybe I need to take a trip to NYC!!!!
