Thursday, April 21, 2011

How I Use Facebook

I mean, there has to be at least once a week (if not more) where I am so sick of what I see on FB that I want to come off of it. Why must people display their very personal life and all the details that go along with it? No one cares! I think pictures are great, I enjoy looking at the lives of my friends and their families, pets, friends, etc. However, there has got to be a line drawn at some point. Am I right people or I am RIGHT! FB is not a place to share your deepest darkest secrets or your life sad sob story. Why do people feel it is ok to unravel a relationship that is no good anymore I will never understand. Or talk about breast have blogs for that and close friends to talk over dinner or on the phone with! And must I forget, the overly lovey dovey status that go on and on with baby talk and misspelled words just to elaborate how you feel. As always, it is only written by the boy or girl- can't you just text and make it private!?!?! Sometimes I don't want to know what your nickname is, or what you did last night.

This is how I use FB:
Posting pictures of my current life events.
Telling my "friends" Happy Birthday.
Congratulating when called for. (baby, engagement, wedding, new job)
Writing on a friends wall letting them know I am thinking of them, or just wanting to say hello.
Posting funny videos....and this is rare.

I wish that FB could be more private and get back to how it used to be. What happened to letting everyone and their mother (yes, my mom too) on FB? It was designed to maintain contact with friends while in college. Please tell me why High Schoolers need it? Or even Middle Schoolers? Is there not enough gossip through the halls?

When I have something personal to write or tell.....I sound off just like this on my blog. Where no one has to read it if they don't want too. Heck, they don't even see it. I cannot tell you how many "friends" I have blocked off of my news feed for the shear reason of too much info, cussing, posting stupid boom box crap, or just annoying!

If only I could stop the FB world of being so sucked in....

1 comment:

  1. AGREED!!!!!! I just nodded my head the whole time and felt myself fighting the urge to shout an AMEN!!!
