Friday, January 14, 2011

Hopes for 2011

I know this is 14 days late but, better late than never! I have been so occupied with other things and the weather that I have let this slip away from me. So here goes, these are my very personal hopes.

*I want to do a daily devotional to help me not lose sight of what is important in life. I also hope that it will keep me motivated for the times I get in a funk and think of myself in a terrible light.

*To read more books and turn off the electronics.

*Daniel has been on a job (life) changing journey the past few months. I have high hopes it takes him, and us, where he wants to go. Let's just say it would be very life changing : )

*Not to be last minute with anything. I really love letting friends and family know how much they mean to me. Whether it is a birthday, holiday, or just a special event in their lives.

*To save money and not shop for things I will only wear once in my life.

*Continuing to take my long naps daily if I want and not feel bad about it. I have to have this nap time to make it though the day at a productive pace.

*To check off some things on my Bucket List. Looks like fun trips are in my future. As well as Lady Gaga.... : ) Maybe I will think of more things to add.

*To have a place of my own to call home. Maybe someone else will be in it??? Only time will tell.

*To really live in my hobbies and not be lazy because I can.

*Have monthly goals of some sort depending on the month and what is happening in life. I want so many things that are in reach, I just need the time and days to focus on it.

*Do good for others because it is needed, not because it makes me feel like a better person.

*Join something new, like a club or a group. Or maybe make one up....any takers, ideas???

*Not being afraid of doctors. I have high hopes to find out what is wrong with my stomach. As long as there are no needles or scopes! It has to be on my terms because I am such a chicken. However, I will be working on this.

*Be more connected with friends that I don't get to see often because life gets in the way. No more excuses! Social life at its finest!

*Cherish the moments I have been given. Big and small because they are a gift. I will not wish time away for I don't know how much more time I will be given. I will live in the moment.

I am hoping this is an all around wonderful year for me with big things in store. Yes, I am talking about the obvious as well as the things I have no idea could happen. God is great and has blessed me with so many things in the past years that I didn't see coming. I always get excited to see what He could have in store for me.

Welcome will not disappoint!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Katie! I caught myself nodding my head on almost all of them. I agree with so many of them (of course I do since we have the same brain) but mainly hope that you do find a home, get settled, and get your tummy fixed. :-)
    And I totally love what you said about living in your hobbies. I miss hobbies too.
